Perry Park residents have recently faced alarming news about their water quality. A report from 9News highlighted high levels of radium in the water supply, raising concerns about the potential health risks. Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal that can pose serious health threats when found in drinking water, making it essential for Perry Park residents to stay informed about their water quality.

What is Radium?

Radium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal found in soil, rocks, and groundwater. It can dissolve into water supplies and is often found in areas with certain geological conditions, such as in parts of Colorado. Long-term exposure to radium, particularly through drinking water, can lead to serious health problems. Radium is known to increase the risk of bone cancer and other diseases because it can replace calcium in bones, accumulating in the body over time.

Health Risks of Radium

Radium exposure is primarily dangerous when ingested. Over time, drinking water with high levels of radium can lead to an increased risk of developing bone cancer, as well as other health issues like anemia and fractures. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set maximum contaminant levels for radium in drinking water, and exceeding these levels—like the high radium levels recently detected in Perry Park—should be addressed as soon as possible.

Protecting Your Home from Radium

  • Test Your Water: The first step in protecting your home is testing your water for radium, particularly if you rely on a private well. Perry Park residents should prioritize testing to determine if their drinking water has unsafe levels of radium.
  • Consider Water Treatment Options: If your water is found to have high levels of radium, installing a water treatment system is an effective way to reduce or remove radium from your water. Ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and distillation systems are among the best methods for treating radium-contaminated water.

A reverse osmosis (RO) system is effective at removing radium from water. RO systems work by forcing water through a semipermeable membrane, which removes contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and radioactive elements like radium.

In fact, reverse osmosis is one of the most recommended water treatment methods for reducing radium levels, along with ion exchange and water softeners. RO systems are particularly effective for homes dealing with radium contamination because they can remove up to 90-99% of radium from the water, providing a reliable solution for safe drinking water.

If you live in an area like Perry Park with elevated radium levels, installing a reverse osmosis system can help ensure your water is safer to drink.

The recent findings of high radium levels in Perry Park Water District’s supply are a serious concern for residents. Radium can pose long-term health risks if left untreated, but by testing your water, considering filtration options, and staying informed, you can protect your home and your health.

For more information about testing your water or installing a filtration system, contact Aqua Serve, your trusted water quality experts since 1990. We’re here to help ensure that your water is safe and clean for you and your family.


Take Control of Your Home’s Water Quality