Water Filter Systems Denver CO

Since 1990

Accurate/AQUA SERVE is a plumbing contractor that specializes in water filtration. We repair all major brands of water treatment systems and filters. You can count on us to match your specific water problem with the correct technology. We can customize the system to correct specific water problems.

AQUA SERVE is the water treatment division that designs, sells, installs and services water treatment devices. We have world-wide access to many technologies and price points. Some of the contaminants are chlorine, hardness, iron, VOC, pharmaceuticals, radio-activity, PFAS, lead, radon, bacteria, virus and hydrogen sulfide. The following technologies are used; nano membrane, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and water purification, water softening and ion exchange, chlorine removal and carbon filtration, ultra-violet light disinfection, aeration, sediment filtration and ozone. These technologies are used on a point of entry and point of use basis. AQUA SERVE also provides bottle-free coolers with filtration. We serve residential, commercial, small water systems and industrial customers. We also do wholesale, salt delivery, consulting services and water tests.

Accurate Plumbing and Heating is the plumbing and heating division. This includes general plumbing and heating repairs, water heaters, boilers, furnaces, garbage disposals, faucet and toilet repairs, fixture replacement, gas lines, remodels, and basement finishes.

We refer to ourselves as “Accurate/AQUA SERVE.”

On Staff are PE, Chem E, Master Plumber, WQA Member, WQA Certified Installer and WQA Master Water Specialists. Workman’s Comp, General Liability and Auto Insurance policies are in place.

Longevity, Reliability and Efficiency

Water testing is a must to determine the solution. The proper specification and performance of equipment requires the following steps:

  1. Listen to client’s water dislikes and observations.
  2. Do water tests to confirm your and client observations.
  3. Consider options and make recommendation.
  4. Properly install equipment.
  5. Explain system to client.
  6. Validate performance.
  7. Set-up service requirements.

(720) 594-2223 303-HOW-PURE